Changes from 1950’s-1960’s

Compare and Contrast how America changed from the 1950’s- 1960’s

1. Role of women

2. Teens in the 1950’s to teens in late 1960’s

3. Impact of the Great Society

4. Civil Rights

5. Respect for Authority

6. Korea vs. Vietnam

About Mr. Adams

I am a teacher at Anson County Early College. I teach US History and 21st Century Learning Skills.
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27 Responses to Changes from 1950’s-1960’s

  1. juliangomes says:

    1. In the 1950’s women were still doin the normal things like taking care of the kids and the house. A lot more women were in the workforce though thanks to them taking the jobs of the men fighting in WW2. After the war was over most women lost their jobs and returned to normalcy as was the policy during that time. During the sixties the feminine movement began thanks to aouthors like Betty Freidan, who wrote about women equality, and the Roe Vs. Wade case which gave women the right to have an abortion or not.
    2. Teenagers during the 50’s teens were doing the conformity thing like everybody else but things like rock and roll and the television changed the way they entertained themselves. During the 60’s teenagers hopped into this new radical sub-culture called hippies. They protested vietnam, used drugs freely, listened to rock, grew their hair, and had orgies.
    3. The great society had a profund impact on our country. It was basically a newer version of the New Deal and some said it even outclassed that. It offered things like medicair, medicaid, and the secondary education act. These things either helped out the poor, old, , everyday people, and schools. It also set another precedent for an ever expanding Federal government that dealt more and more in the everyday life of Americans.
    4. In the 50’s civil rights were pretty much dormant. Blacks were still discriminated against and even though segregation was gone whites still found a way to be mean and nasty to blacks. Civil Rights really took off in the 60’s with the civil rights movement. People like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks peacfully protested the unfair treatment that whites demonstrated and pushed for racial equality. They did things like sit-ins and protests. This eventually led to even more equality and laws passed that offered that same euality except by law. Such as the civil rights act of 1964.
    5. In the 50’s respect for the authorities was an important part of society. During this time everyone still wanted conformity so everyone did what everyone else did and that was obey the law so that nothing was stirred up or changed. In the 60’s movements like the Hippie movement started disrespecting the law and not following the laws. Things like smoking weed and stuff like that was against the law yet many people still did it regardless of what the law said.
    6. In the 50’s the Korean war was a fight for Democracy. basically the country agreed and wanted to help keep Korea out of Communist clutches thanks to the fear still prevailent about Communism. During the Vietnam war peolpe were getting more loose with their morals and things about “normal society” were changing. It was during this time that the Vietnam war came about. The American people were tired of war after WW2 and the Korean war. That coupled with heavy losses and no immediate win in sight made people dislike the Vietnam war and compared to the Korean war approval was very low.

  2. travismartinrules says:

    1. Women had the traditional role of staying at home, cleaning, and cooking in the 50’s. When the 60’s came around, women began to get jobs and get out of the house more often.
    2. Teens were punished for the slightest thing in the 50’s. They couldn’t talk slang, boys couldn’t wear jeans, and their hair couldn’t touch their ears, and girls couldn’t even wear pants at all. They couldn’t dance to rock n’ roll and talk about sex was punishable. By the time the 60’s came around, teens started to rebel. They began protesting things like the vietnam war, and some even did drugs.
    3. Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society decreased the rate of poverty, and greatly improved the economy. It also pushed civil rights, and made things better for people of all colors.
    4. Segregation was still going strong in the 50’s until the Brown vs. Board of Education took place. That ended segregation and forced blacks to be treated better. Although many people didn’t comply with this, Johnson took it a step further. His Great Society pushed for civil rights and better treatment of blacks.
    5. The 50’s is the era in which teens kind of start to rebel. Rock N’ Roll was invented and many thought that it pushed teens to rebel and disobey their parents. But, teens actually began to rebel even more so. They began to protest the vietnam war, and began the use of drugs. This was the era of Woodstock, which was like a massive movement of rebellious teens to listen to music and do drugs.
    6. The US sent troops to Korea in order to stop the spread of communism to South Korea. They were successful and a boundary was agreed upon. The same goal was set for the Vietnam war. The US tried to stop the spread of communism to Vietnam, but failed tremendously and had to settle on an agreement so that our troops could come back home. Vietnam became communist and there was nothing we could do about it.

  3. michellexiong01 says:

    1.Role of women of the 1950s in were more of a house wife who stayed home while her husband went work. Women in 1960s became rebellious with their social status by burning their bras, rejecting traditional social standards, and open sexuality. Both group of women had the idea of a woman’s importance in society.

    2.Teenagers in the 1950s were more independent in the activities they did because of the baby boomers; for example, they were able to listen to any music they liked instead of the music their parents listened to. Teenagers in the 1960s rebelled against their parents. they were involved in the Hippy movement which allowed to open up their sexual desires, their rights to speak, and especially the civil rights. Both group of teenagers started the beginning of a new era of how to behave in AMerica.

    3.The Great Society was in both a big back up in the 50s and 60s after the country had went to war in Korea and Vietnam. It increased the defense in spending and the segments of the civilian labor force.The Great Society had more impact on the 60s than in the 50s.

    4.Civil Rights in the 50s were more ignored than in the 60s.Though the federal government took the act of stating that the it was illegal for segregation, the states ignored it. In the 60s, MLK and many other civil rights leaders silently protested against the American standards.

    5.People in the 50s had more respect for authority since they obeyed everything as the society of america stated. in the 60s, due to the civil rights movement, people wanted to fight for their rights no matter what it took even to disrespect authority.

    6.In Korea, the US was able to stop the communism at the 38 parallel. while in Vietnam the US didn’t really stop the corruption and had to get out of Vietnam before succeeding their mission.

  4. jimlor says:

    1) In the 1950s, the role of women was to stay home and do domestic chores. They were expected to stay home, clean the house, and raise the children. Although World War II brought many more job opportunities, most women stayed at home.
    In the 1960s, the role of women became more independent. They began petitioning for equal pay and against sexual harassment at their work. Betty Friedan wrote a book called “The Feminine Mystique”, which talked about individualism in women.

    2) In the 1950s, teenagers experienced more freedom and independence as a result of a growing economy. Teenagers during this time were often more rebellious and listened to rock and roll (which was dubbed as the Devil’s music).
    In the 1960s, teenagers were focused on change. They did not want to conform to their parent’s expectations. In fact, many of them would do the complete opposite of what their parents wanted.

    3) In the 1950s, the Great Society was not even made; therefore, I shall not be talking about the 1950s.
    In the 1960s, the goals of the Great Society was to decrease poverty, stimulate the economy, and pushed for civil rights. It originated from JFK’s New Frontier and FDR’s New Deal.

    4) Civil rights during the 1950s was very few. Although slavery was abolished, the Jim Crow laws and segregation still persisted. The civil rights movement slowly built up during the 1950s.
    Civil rights during the 1960s gradually increased as more and more people got involved with the movement. Some acts were passed, such as the voting rights act of 1964 and the civil right acts of 1964. People like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. were advocating civil rights during this time.

    5) During the 1950s, the social norm was conformity. Members of society were expected to fit in and not stand out. Because of this, I think that people would have respect for the authorities. They would not want to stand out by defying them.
    During the 1960s, it was more about change and individualism. Teenagers became more rebellious, women more individualistic, and the civil rights movement was at its peak. As a result, they would probably defy the authorities more than usual.

    6) Americans viewed Korea as successful. They completed their goal (which was to contain communism to North Korea). Because of this, America was confident in their interaction in Vietnam. In the beginning of the Vietnam War, Americans supported it and stuff. Later on, they began to protest against it as America began to lose. For the first time, people were able to film parts of the war, which further increased the protests. U.S.A. then decided to retreat from Vietnam. Nowadays, the Vietnam War is still one of the most infamous wars.

  5. lexilandis says:

    1. Role of women: Women were well on their way to earning the right to vote and to being able to hold their own jobs and property without having to be so submissive to their male counterparts.

    2. Teenagers: Teenagers became more rebellious in the 1960’s through listening to rock music and living in a more open-minded society than that of their parents generation.

    3. The Great Society: A time of reform and change that was to grant rights to women and other minorities as well as establish institutes such as schools.

    4. Civil Rights: Segregation began to come to a joyous end; while there was still racial tension, “separate but equal” was to be upheld and whites and blacks began to co-exist.

    5. Respect for Authority: People began to care less and less about angering those who held positions of power and started to use the first ammendment to it’s fullest worth. Protests and petitions became more widespread; the common man’s voice began to matter more.

    6. Korea vs. Vietnam: These two countries continued to struggle in a war against or pro communism post-cold war. They worked to get back on their feet.

  6. treadaway3tiffany says:

    1. Role of women
    -In the 50s, the role of women was expected to be the one of the housewife. In the 60s, thanks to new non-sexist policies in the government women began to see themselves in new roles: the roles of workers that provided for their family just like their husbands.
    2. Teens in the 1950′s to teens in late 1960′s
    -From “During the ’50s, everyone was still recovering from the horrors of World War II. People from around the world idolized the Americans, who definitely prospered during this era. For teenagers, the clean-cut “college” look was back in style. Girls often wore full skirts with bobby socks and saddle shoes, and their hair was usually in ponytails or softly curled. Beehives came into style in the late years of the decade As the ’50s progressed trends started to imitate cover model, Marilyn Munroe, and young women turned to clothes that showed off their figures.

    Although boys’ appearance began as rigidly clean-cut, it slowly changed. Teenage boys either had short crew cuts or their hair was on the slightly longer side. These young men started dressing as “bikers” or “greasers,” and many imitated the popular Elvis Presley.

    During the 1950s, youth became more self-aware, and they were determined to create their own styles, which the designers followed. Throughout the decade, the teenagers became a distinct group of society, which had never been done before. Young people gained much freedom, which was attributed by some to the lack of discipline after the war and the invention of Rock’n’Roll. However with this newborn freedom also came an increase in racism, and some youth gangs appeared.

    One type of music known as Rock’n’Roll greatly influenced the teens of the ’50s. Saturday nights were spent at local dances where teens jived to their favourite music. Youth could also “hang out” at coffee bars or diners and listen to jukeboxes while they smoked cigarettes. Although nicotine was a very popular drug used, the other drugs that teens use now were not as prevalent in the ’50s.

    The ’60s marked an era of teenagers, as they truly became a distinct part of North American culture. The first baby-boomers were just growing up and developing into young men and women. As this was a time of prosperity and production for North America, teens received more money and had an easy time finding jobs.

    Since teens had more money to spend, more and more products were being designed specifically for them, notably clothing. Designers began to market items directly to youth, and small boutiques that sold these young and modern fashions opened up everywhere.

    For girls miniskirts and tights were extremely popular, accompanied by a skimpy or see-through blouse and long loose hair. It was during this decade that the young and ultra-skinny look first made headway.

    For boys, the Beatles look was very popular, and their clothes were often very colourful. Many hippies wore tie-dyed t-shirts and bell bottoms. These bright and bold outfits were seen as very daring for young men to wear as opposed to previous generations. Denim jeans also became the most worn type of pants during the ’60s, and Levi’s was thought of as the best brand. Common practice for teens to buy jeans too big for them and wear them in the bath to shrink them down to the “perfect fit.”

    Although the horrors of WWII were somewhat in the past, teens were often still very pacifist during the ’60s. The protested against the war in Vietnam, and the immediate fear of nuclear war gave them even more reason to despise war. This threat of world demolition also gave youth the opportunity to enjoy their lives immediately, experiencing as much as possible, even if it had been seen as inappropriate in the past.”
    3. Impact of the Great Society
    – The Great Society increased Federal Power, decreased the rate of poverty, escalated the conflict in Vietnam, had a conservative backlash, added to the deficit, and began the debate over “Guns or Butter” This affected the society change in the 50s and 60s the most because two and a half times more Americans would enter the labor force between 1965 and 1980 than had between 1950 and 1965.
    4. Civil Rights
    – The issue for civil rights was not brought up a lot in the 50s, although the president at that time had claimed to be for them before his tragic death. His successor, Nixon, really set the civil rights movement into swing. In the 60s, discrimination was banned, Martin Luther King had begun his campaign, and integration was starting to occur everywhere: including the Supreme court, schools, and much more.
    5. Respect for Authority
    – From “The ’50s and ’60s saw an unprecedented upsurge in youths’ spite for authority and parental control; the war between parents and teens came into full swing (it was in the ’60s that the term “generation gap” was coined). Youth culture rocked the entire world: the entertainment industry, the universities, the government. The atmosphere of protest gave
    rise to gang, beatniks, rockers and hippies, bent on casting off
    constraint, high on the heady fumes of hedonism. While these youths spoke out against the mistakes of the previous
    generation (which had only succeeded in bringing the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation), the only alternative they seemed to offer was a self-destructive one.”
    6. Korea vs. Vietnam
    -Overall, I think it is safe to say that Vietnam was way more destructive than the war fought in Korea. Korea was fast and was decisively split along the 38th parallel. Vietnam on the other hand was a losing battle that the government lied to its citizens about. Instead of “handling” it like they did with Korea, Vietnam was broadcast on the TV and helped people to form conspiracies.

  7. rushingsylvester says:

    1. Role of women
    The women of the 1950s were basically meant to be the notorious T.V. trophy wife
    Not too much changed between the period of the 50’s and 60’s exceptions besides the women started becoming more independent and started to get jobs.

    2. Teens in the 1950′s to teens in late 1960′s
    The Teens in the 50’s started to become more media savvy and also gained freedom and independence.
    The teens in the 60’s were a whole less rebellious than the teens raised in the 50’s but it was pretty much the same in comparison the 50’s.
    3. Impact of the Great Society
    This when roosevelt made a program to lessen misery during the great depression and during the 50’s it had a great impact because it made life a whole lot less harder for instance the growth that was going on.
    The impact it had on the 60’s was that it was great because it helped the people drastically to whom say that it shaped the rest of out society.
    4. Civil Rights
    Civil rights during this time you could say was the one of the grueling time period for the african american race.
    This was the time period in which the African americans started to actually rebel and got things done.
    5. Respect for Authority
    The respect for the authority was limited but not much from the adult but the teens.
    During this time unquestioning respect for authority arose.
    6. Korea vs. Vietnam

  8. chrisallen555 says:

    Role of women
    Women were beginning a movement called Feminism, the belief that women were just as good as men. They were going to work, gained the right to an abortion, etc.

    Teens in the 1950′s to teens in late 1960′s
    Teens in the 50’s were rebellious, but nowhere near as against rules as the 60’s kids. The 1960s brought about the Counterculture, the rock we know of today, hippies, etc. The image of teens had shifted a lot since the 50s, and helped give the stereotype to teens in society.

    Impact of the Great Society
    Govt plays a much larger role with more power. Got rid of some poverty, but increased our deficit.

    Civil Rights
    Rights were being demanded during this time for many people. Women were demanding equality to men, Mexicans were gaining support for rights, and Indians gained control over a part of their former land.

    Respect for Authority
    Less respect for authority. Teens were rebellious against authority, and also grown people as men burned notices to go to war in Vietnam(or just left America completely).

    6. Korea vs. Vietnam
    The war in Korea was mainly to prevent Communism from spreading, while Vietnam was about restoring order to the country after their leader, Diem, was assassinated and mass confusion and instability occurred.

  9. NicoleWilliams says:

    1.) Role of women – In the 1950’s, marriage and birthrates were growing at an extremely rapid rate. Also, more women entered the work-place as well. During World War II women by the millions took factory jobs to make up for the domestic manpower shortage. In the 1960’s, women were fighting for a variety of things, such as equal pay for equal work, an end to domestic violence, curtailment of severe limits on women in managerial jobs, an end to sexual harassment, and sharing of responsibility for housework and child rearing.

    2.) Teens in the 1950′s to teens in late 1960′s – In the 50’s, expectations changed for teenagers. The economy started booming and families experienced a great deal of economic power, freedom and independence, including teenagers. New medians were created like television and tbe radio that attracted teenagers. Also they were able to attend high school dances, create clothing trends, dance fads, and hairstyles to name a few. Also, in the 1950’s, teenagers where more inclined and encouraged to attend college, find a skill, and seek a successful career.
    In the 60’s, the children from the baby boom were teenagers, which led to an increase of people attending college. Like the 50’s, teens were doing things completely different then previous generations.

    3.) Impact of the Great Society – The Great Society in the 60’s helped gained civil rights, increased education, helped with poverty, helped with health by the creation of Medicaid and Medicare, along with other changes in art and cultural institutions. This has greatly changed life in America since the 50’s.

    4.) Civil Rights – In the 50’s, the fight for civil rights was just beginning to emerge with cases like Brown v. Board of Education. In the 60’s, the fight for civil rights was rewarded with the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    5.) Respect for Authority – In the 1950s, conformity was a big part of life. People were expected to fit in with everyone and not stand out. Because of this, people had respect for the authorities. They would not want to stand out by defying them.
    In the 60s, it was more about change and individualism. Teenagers became more rebellious and the civil rights movement was growing rapidly. As a result, authorities were being defied more than usual.

    6.) Korea vs. Vietnam – Americans viewed Korea as something that was needed. They completed their goal (which was to contain communism to North Korea). Because of this, America was confident in their interaction in Vietnam. In the beginning of the Vietnam War, Americans supported it. Eventually, people began to protest against it when America started to lose.

  10. caroleibryan says:

    1. During the 1950’s women went back to normality by staying home and being house wives. They were expected to go back to the ways things were before the war. However some women had jobs due to the lack or workers during WWII. During the 1960’s women were fighting for their rights. They wanted to be treated as equals to men in the workforce.
    2. During the 1950’s teenagers were less serious about life. They were rebellious and listened to the devil’s music, also known as rock. By the 1960’s teenagers were even more rebellious.
    3. The Great Society was nonexistent during the 1950’s. Yet in the 1960’s it was established. It’s intentions was to decrease poverty and stimulate the economy.
    4. Blacks and women had few civil rights during. Women were not treated as equals and segregation was still legal. Civil rights were being fought for during the 1960’s.
    Blacks were finally allowed to vote but there were still restrictions on that. Yet they did not let that stop them from trying to get to get their rights.
    5. During the 1950’s people followed authority. They did not want to stand out from the normality. So they had respect for authority. People during the 1960’s had more individuality. It wasn’t as bad to defy authority during that time period.
    6. In 50’s their involvement with Korea was considered successful. This lid to more confidence when conflict began in Vietnam. However, American wasn’t winning like planned so they began to dislike Vietnam. People were able to view this war, unlike with Korea, due to the advancements of television.

  11. mailyxiong says:

    1. Women were less restricted with covering all of their skin like the flappers.
    2. Teens became more involved with smoking weed and were rebellious
    3. Because of the Civil Rights Movements, most of the job opportunities that were available were open to both colored people and white people.
    4. People of all races were promoting the idea of equality, mainly through peaceful protesting.
    5. Many were hypocritical about the authority because of the government’s unpopular decision to fight in the Vietnam War.
    6. Although the government fought in the Vietnam War, many Americans at home thought it was pointless for the US government in risking lives over something that they had nothing to do with.

  12. brookepuckett says:

    1. The roles of women changed following the end of WWII. During WWII women were able to have public jobs since the men were away at war and the jobs still had to be done. However, following the war things went back to the way they were as men took their jobs back and women went back to caring for the home and the children.
    2. Teens in the 1950’s were encouraged to go to college and get an education where as before they were okay with just a high school education. Also during the 1950’s teenagers were expected to act and dress like their parents. As a result of the Rock & Roll music teenagers began to become more rebellious throughout the late 1950’s and 1960’s.
    3.The Great Society was government programs similar to the New Deal that took affect after the war. It had an impact so strong that many people claimed that it was even larger than Roosevelt’s New Deal plan.
    4. Civil Rights began to become an even larger issue beginning in the 1960’s. The Civil Rights Movement began in the 1960’s as African Americans began to fight for their rights with mostly non-violent protests. During this time Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks along with numerous other began to speak out and represent other African Americans. Also segregation became an even bigger problem and was outlawed during the 1960’s.
    5. Respect for authority was not really an issue until the 1960’s as teens began to rebel against their parents.
    6. Korea and Vietnam were communists throughout the 1950’s and 1960’s and both of them caused problems throughout the U.S. as we became involved in their problems as they were in war. Also due to them being communists the U.S. continued to be scared of communism spreading throughout the world.

  13. genniferkjones says:

    During the 195os women were looked at for one specific reason which was mainly house work. Women focused on wearing pearls and high heels, and had very little say in household matters. Most women during this time weren’t employed and due to this had no income.

    During the 1960s a small percentage of women began to work and make money while there was still women who still sat home and were housewives.

    Teens in the 1950s were very stylish. They had plain lives but because of the development of music during this time teens gained many role models and referred to things as being hip, groovy, and even cool!

    Their wasn’t really a significant change in the 60s teens still didn’t have the luxuries we currently have today. Teens had more values and stuck to the basics.

    In 1950s Johnson created a plan known as the Johnson Plan. He would work to improve the lives of all people especially for the poor and powerless.

    In the 1960s this plan included federal support for education, medical care for the elderly, and also protection for African Americans. This was very helpful and offered help to many.

    During the 1950s the Supreme Court ruled separation in school unconstitutional. The Court case Brown vs. Board of Education was and still is talked about by many.

    During the 1960s Civil Rights act prohibited racial discrimination.

    In the 1950s era many people usually went a long with what was taking place. Governments had control over what people did and how they operated.

    In the 1960s people begin to shape their own opinions and their were slight disagreements within people and sometimes the government.

    Korea and Vietnam: Airpower in Limited War Korean War 1950-1953
    Aerial attacks during the Korean and Vietnam wars involved limited campaigns waged with conventional weapons. Vast formations of heavy bombers common during the World War II were seldom used to attack targets.D

    During this time however, it divided the country at a time when it most needed to be unified leaving scars that are yet to be healed. Others believe the war was a noble cause similar to the United Nations effort that kept South Korea free.

  14. courtneyallen00 says:

    Role of women
    Women in the 1950’s role went back to being homemakers, but they were also more accepted in certain work fields.
    Teens in the 1950′s to teens in late 1960′s
    Teenagers in the 1950’s and 60’s was the first generation that had many leisure. The word was “teenager” was being recognized and made into a million dollar industry.
    Impact of the Great Society
    It caused concern because of the money that was going into the programing while others thought it was a great and significant idea.
    Civil Rights
    America began to make big moves in their own civil rights issues. Such as segregation in the 50’s and 60’s. People such as Rosa Parkers and Martin Luther King began to take large parts in the civil rights movement.
    Respect for Authority
    America in the 1950’s respected the authority of higher powers and supported the government overall. It wasn’t until the revolution in the 1960’s that people developed a new attitude of freedom.
    Korea vs. Vietnam
    The Korean war was overlook by many people because of the Vietnam war that was more controversial.

  15. brittanylittle93 says:

    1. Role of Women: In the 1950s, women had began working due to the men going off to war in WII. In the 1960s women were still in the workplace, but they wanted rights so they began fighting for them.
    2. Teens in 1950s to teens in the late 1960s: Teens in the 1950s were rebellious. They listened to the “devil’s music” which was rock. In the 1960s, teens began to participate in the use of drugs and other activities that their parents did not except.
    3. Impact of Great Society: The Great Society brought a lot of relief for the poor people. Johnson passed laws such as the Food Stamp Act and also introduced the idea of headstart. Even though Johnson created a lot of programs to benefit the poor, all of the poor people couldn’t help all of the poor.
    4. Civil Rights: In the 1950s and 60s many blacks continued to fight for their rights. The NAACP organized a boycott in Montgomery, Alabama to decrease the profits of its transportation. By not riding the bus, Montgomery’s transportation system lost 80% of its money.
    5. Respect for Authority: In the 1950s, people respected and followed their authority. They followed their authority because they didn’t want to stand out. In the 1960s, people became more concerned about being their own individual.
    6. Korea vs. Vietnam: In the 1950s, America’s relationship with Korea was good. This led to having bad relations between Vietnam. America didn’t want to have conflict with Vietnam, but they eventually went to war.

  16. lucretiatillman says:

    1. Women’s Role: In 1950’s women went back to staying at home and being house wives. They were expected to go back to the ways things were before the war. Even though some women had jobs due because of the lack of workers during WWII. In the 1960’s women were fighting for their rights. They wanted to be treated equally to men in the workforce.
    2. Teens in 50s/60s: During the 50s teens were not really taking life serious. They were disobedient and interested in rock and roll. By the 1960’s teenagers were even more rebellious.
    3. The Great Society : Great Society didn’t really exist in the 1950’s. But in the 1960’s it was established. Its purpose was to decrease poverty and encourage the economy.
    4. Civil Rights: Black women and men didn’t have many rights. They were not treated as equals and segregation was still legal. In the 1960s, civil rights were being challenged.
    5. Respect for Authority: People followed authority in the 1950s. They wanted to fit in with everyone else. So they had respect for authority. People during the 1960’s had more individuality. It wasn’t as bad to disobey authority during that time period.
    6. Korea vs. Vietnam: In 50’s their involvement with Korea was considered successful. This led to more confidence when conflict began in Vietnam. However, America wasn’t winning like planned so they began to dislike Vietnam. People were able to view this war, unlike with Korea, due to the advancements of television.

  17. kelseygathings says:

    1) They went from working in the factories when the 1950’s 1960’s they were back at home being house wives.
    2) Teens in the 1950’s were suppose to be like there parents. the 1960’s teens were more rebellious to parents.
    3) To I think that is was more than the new deal the government became more involved.
    4) During the 60’s they blacks began to protest there rights and during this time segregation was band.
    5) The 1950’s Teens were more respectful.Then the 1960’s they did not care anymore.
    6) This was a war the U.S. was involved in and thye were both communists.

  18. thomasbentley21 says:

    1.) In both the 50’s and 60’s women were getting rights and had some jobs that men had before they left for WWII. In the 50s during the bay boom women went back to being hose wives as well. Around 1960s women were focused on getting equal rights as men. One accomplishment was the Equal pay act, that required women to get the same pay as men. During the 50s and 60s women were having babies a lot as well.

    2.) For teens the 50’s and 60’s were very good. Teenager was first used during the 50’s and the 60s was the age of youth. In the 50s the baby boom happened and now by the 60s these kids were in their teens and most teens in this age wanted change. Teens were spoiled, they liked new music such as rock and roll, their parents had a lot of money to spend on their kids.

    3.) The Great society was a set of programs to help the United States. The goal of these programs were to elimenate proverty, racial discrimination, help with medical care, transportation, and urban problems. Unlike the new deal which came in a great crisis the Great Society came as the prosperity from WWII was about to fade away.

    4.) Civil rights movement occurred during the 50s and 60s. The african american society during 1955-1969 were trying to get equal rights just as women and elimenate racial discrimination. Martin Luther King Jr was of this time period as well he was a great black speaker that helped gain blacks equal rights. The bad of the civil rights movements were all the boycotts, many people killed or in jail, and riots.

    5.) Authority wasn’t to loved during the 50s and 60s mainly because the teens were so spoiled and able to get away with many things. This age where authority wasn’t very respected was known as the “Lost World” to some people. Since teens didn’t honor authorities now their attitude carried on with them into today’s society which is bad.

    6.) In the 50s the Korean war took place. Communism was in north and south Korea wanted to pick their own government like ours. We took the side of south Korea and to this day north and south are at odds and during the Korean war the North side had atomic bombs. The Korean war lasted around 3 years at 1955-1975 the Vietnam war started. The Vietnam war, communism was also involved here too. The Vietnam was a Cold war. Unlike the united states Cold war with Russia many people died during this one.

  19. sylviavang says:

    The role of women in the 1950s were dependable and mature. They were very warm helping people. This could maybe the cause World War 11. People were so scared and paranoid so the women were the only comforting zone. Other than the attitude, women from the 50s to the 60s shared their lady like fashion. Most of them were stay home moms, so they’d dress up just to stay home.

    The difference of teens from the 1950s to the 1960s were their attitudes. The 50s were also more mature and dependable. They took many responsibility in the war and military. The 60s they became relieved over the stress of the war, so they began to fool around and most of them, take their country an advantage. The same trait of both decade would be their support.

    During the 50s there were not much attention toward itself. U.S. was involved in the war and they never had much time add construction to itself. The 60s, U.S. created major life changing movements, unlike the 50s. The similarity of the both decade would be involving different races in their political decisions.

    The civil rights in the 50s were hardly noticed, but the 60s, civil right were granted. The connection to these both decade is the original abolitionists.

    The respect for authority in the 1950s were not present. U.S. had to much of a great pride to show mercy. In the 60s authority respect became known and fluent in the country. But, because of the cold war, people became to notice and look at themselves and others with sympathy.

  20. Women had the traditional role of staying at home, cleaning, and cooking in the 50′s. When the 60′s came around, women began to get jobs and get out of the house more often.
    Teens in the 50’s were rebellious, but nowhere near as against rules as the 60’s kids. The 1960s brought about the Counterculture, the rock we know of today, hippies, etc. The image of teens had shifted a lot since the 50s, and helped give the stereotype to teens in society.
    The Great Society was nonexistent during the 1950′s. Yet in the 1960′s it was established. It’s intentions was to decrease poverty and stimulate the economy.
    Civil Rights began to become an even larger issue beginning in the 1960′s. The Civil Rights Movement began in the 1960′s as African Americans began to fight for their rights with mostly non-violent protests. During this time Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks along with numerous other began to speak out and represent other African Americans. Also segregation became an even bigger problem and was outlawed during the 1960′s.
    Respect for Authority: In the 1950s, people respected and followed their authority. They followed their authority because they didn’t want to stand out. In the 1960s, people became more concerned about being their own individual.
    Americans viewed Korea as successful. They completed their goal (which was to contain communism to North Korea). Because of this, America was confident in their interaction in Vietnam. In the beginning of the Vietnam War, Americans supported it and stuff. Later on, they began to protest against it as America began to lose. For the first time, people were able to film parts of the war, which further increased the protests. U.S.A. then decided to retreat from Vietnam. Nowadays, the Vietnam War is still one of the most infamous wars.

  21. janaes16 says:

    1. Role of women
    1950’s-women were expected to wear pearls and high heels and await the return of their all-knowing husband. They were also expected to make a lot of babies.
    1960’s- Many were active volunteers at churches, schools, the PTA and a tiny percentage of them were doctors, lawyers, politicians or corporate executives.
    During both time periods women were still expected to be housewives and mothers.
    2. Teens in the 1950′s to teens in late 1960′s
    1950’s- teenagers where more inclined and encouraged to attend college, find a skill, and seek a successful career.
    1960’s-They were rebellion and not really able to be controlled. Some of the teens were starting to have sex and become pregnant.
    Through both of the time periods they would listen to music, watch television, and go bowling.
    3. Impact of the Great Society
    1950’s- Television to control and invoke the spread of communism.
    1960’s- The cultural movement that developed in the United States and the United Kingdom.
    They both changed things in the United States.
    4. Civil Rights
    1950’s-public school segregation violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment and in 1955 orders that desegregation proceed.
    1960’s-The U.S. federal law that established federal inspection of voter registration polls and introduced penalties for anyone who obstructed someone’s attempt to register to vote.
    They both made things now in the present better than it was in the past.
    5. Respect for Authority
    1950’s-There wasn’t much respect for authority because most of the time there was criminal activity occurring.
    1960’s-Children were always taught when they were young to respect authority although the decade was filled with some rebellion and fermen.
    During both periods its like people all had respect for authority but at the same time they kind of astray and did bad things.
    6. Korea vs. Vietnam
    1950’s- It was the North Korean invasion of South Korea in June.
    1960’s- It was when the Vietnam went to war with Korea.
    They both resulted in the North Vietnamese victory.

  22. kelseydyson5 says:

    1.) during this time, women are getting more jobs., becoming somewhat “equal” to men
    2.)in the 1950’s teens were into rock n roll. 60’s, became hippies.
    3.)was established in 1960
    4.)civil rights movement was 1950’s 1960’s, changed the way people lived.
    5.)in the 1960’s (when hippies started) teens started to rebel against authorities.
    6.)the korean war was to stop communism. vietnam was a result of the south&north korean war.

  23. maddisonteal says:

    1. Women weren’t as strict with things, such as clothing. They had to do a lot, like volunteer things
    2. Teens became wild, smokes and drank more.
    3. Segregation wasn’t as bad, jobs and schools kind of came together
    4. Everyone wanted to be equal, most people didn’t want segregation
    5. There was no respect because of the bad things that we’re going on. Children in the 1960’s became more respectful
    6. The Korean war wasn’t really paid any attention to because of the Vietnam war.

  24. keanapolk says:

    1.) Women in the 1950s was more of a stay at home mom. They looked after the family and kept the house cleaned. They didn’t really have a voice in the socitey at the time. During the 1960s, women’s role became more needed in the society. Because of World War 2, a majority of mens was off fighting in the war. This left women more opportunitites to speak their voice in the society. The took over more jobs that they was rejected to do before. When the war was finally over, most women lost their jobs to the returning mens.

    2.) In the 1950s, teens followed their parents styles and beliefs more. They listened to the types of music their parents thougth was more ideal and appropriate. However, in the 1960s, children, mainly the baby boom kids, beginned to become rebellious. They refused to listen to their parents and started to listen to the types of music they wanted to despite what there parents thought of it. The had more freedom to do more things that their parents, mothers and fathers, wouldn’t allow them to do. They also became more sexual.

    3.) The Great Society was not established until the 1960s. The purpose of the Great Society was to decrease poverty, decrease racial discrimination, and help the poor. The Great Society was a success although everything was not fully accomplished. It helped to make a difference in people of both races life. Employment was more available to those in need of jobs.

    4.) More African Americans beginned to speak their voice on equal rights during the 1960s then 1950s. More organizations was formed such as the SCLC and SNCC to help Africans Americans get equal rights. Maring Luther King Jr. organized a boycott that was a successful. During this time, the Supreme had found that segregation in schools was unconstitutional. They tried to integrate the schools, which caused even more racism towards African Americans.

    5.) Most people did not have a lot of respect towards authority demands. They actually had more respect in the 50s than 60s of the 1900s. There was new laws that most people reject however, that didn’t stop the laws from being passed. Many people started breaking the laws and followed their own hearts. More riots and protests broke out furing the 1960s. Also, violence beginned to increase around the world.

    6.) The United States was involved in these was in attempt to help stop and prevent Communism from spreading. Korea was divided among the 38 parallel. The war with Korea was far better than the Vietnam war. More Americans was for the Korea war. The Vietnam war caused many problems, with the help of it being discussed on view on national television.

  25. Ashley Bennett says:

    1.In the 1950’s women’s roles were to stay home and cook and clean for the men. They were also in charge of raising the children and getting them prepared for the real world.
    In the next year women would work in factories and not stay at home. Women would transition from stay at home moms to working like men.

    2.Teens went from wearing dresses and skirts to wearing jeans and regular shirts. Things like jeans were not seen as presentable in public during the 1950’s. Teens also became very rebellious and rejected traditional values.

    3. The great society was created for a variety of reasons that ranged from helping the poor to ending discrimination. Although this idea didn’t come about until the 60’s it was still made a difference in peoples lives.

    4.The civil rights movement started around the 1950’s and continued to spread throughout the war. People were focusing on getting the rights they deserved. Boycotts became very popular and people tried to make a point without using violence.

    5. People during this time respected and also feared the government. This doesnt mean that the authority was liked but they were never really argued against. Later years the authority would be questioned and rebelled against.

    6. The US fought in both Vietnam and Korea but one outweighed the other. Both wars caused a lot of turmoil for America because people didn’t exactly support the war. When people saw the violence that when on in these places, they wanted the government to bring the troops back home.

  26. ashleyywhittington07 says:

    1. The role of women were plenty dutiful in the 1950’s. Not only were some of them working in factories while their husbands were off fighting in the war, but they were also doing their household duties as well. These include cooking, cleaning, washing, grooming, and keeping their husband happy.
    2. In the 50s, after WWII, teenagers were striding to find their own way. With a booming economy growing, these baby boomers experienced independence but also following in their parents shoes. However, the 60’s was when behavior took a major turn. These teenagers were often called “hippies” because they rebelled against their parents and the law to find their own way of doing things.
    3. The impact of the Great Society, which began in the 60s, was that it helped many Americans whom were in poverty. It introduced medicaid for the poor and medicare for the old. This was introduced to decrease racism and stimulate the economy.
    5. People followed authority in the 1950s. They wanted to fit in with everyone else. So they had respect for authority. People during the 1960′s had more individuality. It wasn’t as bad to disobey authority during that time period.
    6. These two countries continued to struggle in a war against or pro communism post-cold war. They worked to get back on their feet.

  27. rynedellinger12 says:

    . Women’s Role: In 1950′s women was to stay at home and be a house wife, like cooking and cleaning and taking care of the kids. In the 1960′s women wanted to be treated equally and wanted rights.
    2. Teens in 50s/60s: Teens in both of these decades were rebellious and didnt want to do anything that they didnt want to do.
    3. The Great Society : Great Society was established in the 60s for a purpose to decrease poverty and encourage the economy.
    4. Civil Rights: Black women and men didn’t have many rights and segration was still legal and in the 60s they started to challenge the government with civil disobediance.
    5. Respect for Authority: People conformed to each other in the 50s, people dressed and acted the same. People during the 1960′s had more individuality and they didnt want to follow the rules.
    6. Korea vs. Vietnam: In 50′s their involvement with Korea was considered successful. Vietnam wasnt going as planned and the people protested because they didnt understand why we was still over there.

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